Book a session with me!

Pick My Brain!

In this 30 minute session, you can ask me questions with the intention of educational purposes such as learning from my experiences, gaining useful information, and/or having a helpful conversation about topics like:

- finances

- my career and occupations (professional performer, virtual assistant, website designer, social media manager, self care coach, theatre teacher, dramaturg)

- my Virtual Assistant business

- getting creative with money

- how my Spouse and I navigate our finances separately

- real estate

and/or anything that will benefit you in your creative financial journey.

1-on-1 Coaching!

Coaching and Strategy Sessions will be available in:

- Virtual Assistance (those who want to start, beginning VAs, or intermediate VAs): we will create a step-by-step strategy to help you find clients and start / level up in your business.

- Money Mindset Work: we will look at your money stories and what's holding you back from achieving your financial goals, then create a plan on how to make your mindset work for you.

- Goal Setting: we will look at your goals and create a strategy to remove the overwhelm and make them accessible and achievable.

- Financial Self Care: we will look at your day to day, and see how implementing self care, especially around finances, can improve your life.

- How to Get Creative with Money: we will pinpoint skills you have that are profitable and create a plan on how to monetize them in an accessible way.